Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Indonesian Aerospace Engineering Education

Aerospace Engineering


The Spirit of Aerospace Engineering


Unggul dan Terbaik dalam Aerospace Engineering


1. Melahirkan 1000 orang Ahli dalam Bidang Aerospace Engineering (Setara Ph.D.)

2. Melahirkan 100 Perusahaan Aerospace

Aerospace engineering is the primary branch of engineering concerned with the design, construction and science of aircraft and spacecraft. It is divided into two major and overlapping branches: aeronautical engineering and astronauticalengineering. The former deals with craft that stay within Earth's atmosphere, and the latter with craft that operate outside it.
Aerospace Engineering deals with the design, construction, and application of the science behind the forces and physical properties of aircraft, rockets, flying craft, and spacecraft. 

The field also covers their aerodynamic characteristics and behaviors, airfoil, control surfaces, lift, drag, and other properties. Aerospace engineering is not to be confused with the various other fields of engineering that go into designing these complex craft. 

For example, the design of aircraft avionics, while certainly part of the system as a whole, would rather be considered electrical engineering, or perhaps computer engineering. The landing gear system on an aircraft may fall into the field of mechanical engineering, and so forth. It is typically a large combination of many disciplines that makes up aeronautical engineering.

While aeronautical engineering was the original term, the broader "aerospace" has superseded it in usage, as flight technology advanced to include craft operating in outer space
Aerospace engineering, particularly the astronautics branch, is referred to colloquially as "rocket science".


1. Foundation of Scientific Computing

2. Acoustic Instabilities in Aerospace Propulsion

3. Advanced Structual Mechanics

4. Aero elasticity

5. Aerodynamics

6. Aerodynamics II (High Speed Flow)

Journal of Aerospace Engineering

1.Journal of Aerospace Engineering

2.Journal of Aerospace Engineering (AS)

3.International Journal of Aerospace Engineering — An Open Access

4.American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics - Home Page

Aerospace Engineering (AE) from:

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

The department of Aerospace Engineering (AE) has a well-defined vision of positioning KFUPM into a ‘leading and guiding’ institution by developing a full range of aerospace degrees (undergraduate, graduate, and associate degrees) and conducting original research programs of the highest quality for meeting the Kingdom’s and region’s needs for education, manpower, and technical expertise in AE and related fields.

Moreover, the department aims at providing high quality education at international level in AE, well grounded in the fundamental principles of engineering, in order to inspire and prepare students for leadership positions in many job openings in reputed organizations such as Royal Saudi Air force (RSAF), Saudi-Aramco Aviation and for some off-set programs and private aerospace companies.

For further information, please visit Aerospace Engineering

Course Code Course Title Level
AE220 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Undergraduate
AE325 Gas Dynamics I Undergraduate
AE328 Flight Structures I Undergraduate
AE333 Aerodynamics I Undergraduate
AE414 Flight Traffic Controland Safety Undergraduate
AE420 Aerospace Engineering Lab I Undergraduate
AE421 Aerospace Engineering Lab II Undergraduate
AE422 Flight Propulsion I Undergraduate
AE426 Flight Dynamics and Control I Undergraduate
AE427 Aerospace System Design Undergraduate
AE450 Computational Methods in Aerospace Engineering Undergraduate

Ayooo Indonesia Bisa!



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