Electrical Engineering
The Spirit of Electrical Engineering
Unggul dan Terbaik dalam Electrical Engineering
1. Melahirkan 1000 orang Ahli dalam Bidang Electrical Engineering
(Setara Ph.D.)
2. Melahirkan 100 Perusahaan Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. The field first became an identifiable occupation in the late nineteenth century after commercialization of the electric telegraph and electrical power supply. It now covers a range of subtopics including power, electronics, control systems, signal processing and telecommunications.
Electrical engineering may include electronic engineering. Where a distinction is made, usually outside of the United States, electrical engineering is considered to deal with the problems associated with large-scale electrical systems such as power transmission and motor control, whereas electronic engineering deals with the study of small-scale electronic systems includingcomputers and integrated circuits.
Alternatively, electrical engineers are usually concerned with using electricity to transmit energy, while electronic engineers are concerned with using electricity to process information. More recently, the distinction has become blurred by the growth of power electronics.
See also:
- Analog signal processing
- Computer engineering
- Electronic design automation
- Electronic engineering
- Electrical Technologist
- Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
- International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
- List of electrical engineering topics (alphabetical)
- List of electrical engineering topics (thematic)
- List of electrical engineers
- List of Russian electrical engineers
- Timeline of electrical and electronic engineering
- Occupations in Electrical/Electronics Engineering
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT
The mission of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department is to produce graduates who are capable of taking a leadership position in the broad aspects of electrical engineering and computer science. Our graduates:
Understand the basic principles that underlie modern electrical, electronic and computational technology;
Are able to apply creatively their understanding of science and engineering principles to the solution of problems arising in whatever career path they choose;
Are sensitive to the environmental, social, safety and economic context in which their work is done, and possess a strong commitment to ethical practice within that context;
Are able to communicate their ideas and positions clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing;
Are aware of the requirement for and possess the ability to engage in lifelong learning which will be necessary for continuing high performance in whatever career path they choose.
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Department curriculum
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Electrical Engineering and Computer Science home
Department curriculum
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Electrical Engineering (EE) from:
For further information, please visit Electrical Engineering
Course Code | Course Title | Level |
EE200 | Digital Logic Circuit Design | Undergraduate |
EE201 | Electric Circuits I | Undergraduate |
EE203 | Electronics I | Undergraduate |
EE204 | Fundamentals of Electric Circuits | Undergraduate |
EE205 | Electric Circuits II | Undergraduate |
EE303 | Electronics II | Undergraduate |
EE340 | Electromagnetics | Undergraduate |
EE360 | Electric Energy Engineering | Undergraduate |
EE370 | Communication Engineering I | Undergraduate |
EE380 | Control Engineering I | Undergraduate |
EE390 | Digital Systems Engineering | Undergraduate |
EE418 | Introduction To Satellite Communications | Undergraduate |
EE430 | Information Theory and Coding | Undergraduate |
EE445 | Industrial Electronics | Undergraduate |
EE570 | Stochastic Processes | Graduate |
EE577 | Wireless and Personal Communications | Graduate |
EE672 | Satellite Communications | Graduate |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology
Basic Electrical Technology
Download Syllabus in PDF format
Syllabus References
Lecture Title
Lecture No.
Topics to be covered
Sources of energy, Power generation: steam, hydel, gas, wind & nuclear; Power generation in Indian context.
General structure of electrical power system; power transmission & voltage levels; power distribution through overhead lines & underground cables.
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D.C Networks
Basic concepts; concepts of linear, nonlinear, active, passive, unilateral and bilateral elements; ideal and practical voltage & current sources – conversion from one from the other.
Kirchoff’s laws – statements & explanation with example.
Mesh current method – definition of mesh & loop, advantage; illustrative example. | |
Node voltage method – Definition of a node, formation of equations, advantage & illustrative example.
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Delta-Star & Star-Delta conversion; necessity, equivalence & relations; illustration with example.
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Superposition principle – statement, limitations; explanation & illustration with examples; practical verification.
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Thevenin’s theorem – statement, advantages in case of complex networks; explanation & illustration with examples.
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Norton’s theorem – concept of duality; explanation & illustration; practical verification.
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Nonlinear circuits – d.c circuits with one nonlinear element; its solution with example.
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D.C. Transients
11 & 12
R-L & R-C transients – solution for current , voltage or charge as a function of time; time constants; R-L-C transients – under damped, over damped and critically damped conditions.
Single Phase A.C. Circuits
Generation of single phase a.c. voltage and determination of average (mean) and RMS (effective) values of voltage and current with special reference to sinusoidal waveforms; Form factor and peak factor for various waves.
Representation of sinusoidal time varying quantities as phasors; concepts of reactance, impedance and their representation in complex forms using j operator.
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Steady state analysis of series R-L-C circuit & its phasor diagram.
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Concept of power & power factor; expression of power in complex notation.
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Concept of admittance, susceptance in parallel circuits; calculation of branch currents in parallel circuits.
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Analysis of series parallel circuits & phasor diagrams.
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Resonance in series and parallel circuits.
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Three phase A.C. Circuits
Generation of 3-phase balanced sinusoidal voltage; star & delta connections; line & phase quantities (current & voltage)
Solution of 3-phase star/delta circuits with balanced supply voltage and balanced load; phasor diagram; 3-phase, 4-wire circuits.
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Measurement of three phase power by two wattmeter method; phasor diagram with balanced load and determination of load power factor from wattmeter readings.
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Magnetic Circuit
Ampere circuital law; magnetic circuit & its similarity with electric circuits; solution of series, parallel & series parallel magnetic circuits.
| Iron losses – hysteresis & eddy current losses; relationship between B-H loop & hysteresis loss | |
| Energy stored in a magnetic field and force of attraction between pole faces. | |
Constructional features and principle of operation; concept of ideal transformer under no load & loaded conditions; its equivalent circuit.
Practical transformer rating & its equivalent circuit.
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28 & 29
Regulation – definition & importance; derivation of expression for it: Losses & efficiency, condition for maximum efficiency.
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O.C & S.C. tests and determination of equivalent circuit parameters.
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Various types of three phase connections of transformers.
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Autotransformer – principle of operation & relative advantages & disadvantages over a two winding transformer.
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Rotating Machines
Introduction of general constructional features (stator, rotor & air gap); conditions for production of steady electromagnetic torque.
| Multi polar machine & concept of mechanical & electrical angle and their relation; importance of the relation n = 2f/p. | |
| Expression for generated emf in a coil rotating relative to a field. | |
Three phase induction motor.
Elementary balanced 3-phase distributed winding & production of revolving magnetic field; comment on its strength, speed and direction of rotation.
| Constructional features and principle of operation; types of induction motors; definition of slip and its importance; relation between stator & rotor frequencies. | |
| Per phase equivalent circuit; relation between air gap power, rotor copper loss and mechanical power developed; expression for electromagnetic torque developed. | |
| Torque-slip characteristic, stable & unstable zones; modification of torque-slip characteristic for supply voltage, rotor resistance and frequency variation. | |
| Basic principles of starting induction motor by direct on line, reactor, autotransformer, star-delta and rotor resistance starters. | |
D.C. Machines
41 & 42
Constructional features; elementary lap & wave windings; parallel paths in armature circuit.
| EMF & torque expressions and their uses in both generating & motoring modes. | |
44 & 45
| Classification of d.c. generators; characteristics of shunt, separately and compound generator; armature reaction & its effect. | |
| Classification of d.c motors; characteristics of shunt & series motors. | |
| Starting of d.c shunt motor; 3-point starter for shunt motor. | |
| Speed control of shunt and series motors; field of applications. | |
Measuring Instruments
49 & 50
DC PMMC instruments – constructional feature and principle of operation; moving iron meters – construction and principle of operation.
51 & 52
| Dynamometer type wattmeter; induction type energy meter construction & principle of operation. |
1. Wikipedia
2. MIT OpenCourseWare
3. Tokyo Institute of Technology
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