Minggu, 18 April 2010

Kompetisi Matematika Amerika 8


Ditambah dan ditulis ulang
Oleh: Arip Nurahman

Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Follower Open Course Ware at MIT-Harvard University

(American Mathematics Competition)
(Tim Olimpiade Kota Banjar)
(Tim Olimpiade Matematika Kota Banjar)

Terima Kasih kepada:
Wael Alghamdi
(Dept. of Mathematics Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

~Seleksi di Indonesia
"Ki Bujangga ujaring maranggi, ditampina ku tawis pertanda, tangtos moal sapagodos, gelar-galur dua-tilu, reh nul-nutkeun jalanna dangding, sami gaduh ukiran, tah eta teh kitu, numutkeun pinter rajinna, nu perceka ingkar tina basa Kidib, ngantun kana hianat."
~Pupuh Dangdanggula~

"Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics"
~Siméon Poisson~

Surya Institute (SI) together with Maths Oasis Pte. Ltd. and the Committee of the American Mathematics Competitions cordially invite your students to participate, along with many students worldwide, in the 2009 American Mathematics Contest (AMC) 8.

Tuesday, November 17th (3 pm).

1. Global Nusantara International School – Meruya, West Jakarta
2. Bina Nusantara International School (in confirmation)-Serpong, Tangerang
3. Global Prestasi International School – Bekasi, West Java

Contest Registration Fee:

• Agustus - 10 September 2009 Rp 150.000
• 11 September - 30 Oktober 2009 Rp 175.000
• 31 Oktober - 12 November 2009 Rp 250.000

Transfer the Registration Fee to:
Yayasan Surya Institute
BCA, Branch : Supermal Karawaci
Account Number 7610358611

(Please fax the transfer receipt)
Contest Format :
• 25 multiple-choice questions

• Time limit : 40 minutes

• Pencil 2B is required (computerize answer sheet)

• No calculator

• No penalty for wrong answers

For inquiries, please contact Ms. Yuliana/Elia/Yulita by phone, sms, or email.

Phone : +6221 53163394-98 ext. 306 (working hour 8.30 WIB – 17.00 WIB)

SMS : +62856 926 230 56

Email : mat.asyik@gmail.com

Kompetisi di Amerika

2008-2009 Contest Dates:
November 18, 2008

The AMC 8 is a 25 question, 40 minute multiple choice examination in middle school mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem solving skills.

The examination provides an opportunity to apply the concepts taught at the junior high level to problems which not only range from easy to difficult but also cover a wide range of applications.

Many problems are designed to challenge students and to offer problem solving experiences beyond those provided in most junior high school mathematics classes.

Calculators are not allowed starting in 2008. High scoring students are invited to participate in the AMC 10.

A special purpose of the AMC 8 is to demonstrate the broad range of topics available for the junior high school mathematics curriculum. This is done by competencies.

The AMC 8 has the potential to increase the perceptions of the importance of problem solving activities in the mathematics curriculum by stimulating these activities both preceding and following the examination —specifically by studying the solutions manual.

Additional purposes of the AMC 8 are to promote excitement, enthusiasm and positive attitudes towards mathematics and to stimulate interest in continuing the study of mathematics beyond the minimum required for high school graduation.

Developmentally, junior high school students are at a point where attitudes toward school and learning, and perceptions of themselves as learners of mathematics are solidified.

It is important that they be provided opportunities that foster the development of positive attitudes towards mathematics and positive perceptions of themselves as learners of mathematics. The AMC 8 provides one such opportunity.

We encourage all students in grades 6, 7 and 8 to participate in the AMC 8. All USA, USA embassy, Canadian and foreign school students in grade 8 or below are eligible to participate.
AMC 8 Intramural Awards

* A Certificate of Distinction is given to all students who receive a perfect score.

* An AMC 8 Winner Pin is given to the student(s) in each school with the highest score.

* The top three students for each school section will receive respectively a gold, silver, or bronze Certificate for Outstanding Achievement.

* An AMC 8 Honor Roll Certificate is given to all high scoring students.

* An AMC 8 Merit Certificate is given to high scoring students who are in 6th grade or below.

The members of the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions (CAMC) are dedicated to the goal of strengthening the mathematical capabilities of our nation's youth.

The CAMC believes that one way to meet this goal is to identify, recognize and reward excellence in mathematics through a series of national contests called the American Mathematics Competitions.

The AMC include: the American Mathematics Contest 8 (AMC 8) (formerly the American Junior High School Mathematics Examination) for students in grades 8 and below, begun in 1985; the American Mathematics Contest 10 (AMC 10), for students in grades 10 and below, new in 2000; the American Mathematics Contest 12 (AMC 12) (formerly the American High School Mathematics Examination) for students in grades 12 and below, begun in 1950; the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME), begun in 1983; and the USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO), begun in 1972.

On Thursday, May 11, 1950 the first Mathematical Contest, sponsored by the New York Metropolitan Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) took place.

It was given in 238 schools to 6,000 students in the New York area only. Today the contest is taken in every state and around the world. It is translated into braille, French, Spanish and Chinese, and has evolved into a series of five contests.


Help us celebrate 60 years of the
American Mathematics Competitions
by registering your school to participate in the 60th annual
American Mathematics Contest 12
and the 10th annual American Mathematics

Contest 10. The AMC 10 is
designed for 9th and 10th grade students, and the AMC 12 is designed for 11th and 12th grade students.

Participation & Eligibility

Both AMC 10 and AMC 12 are 25-question, 75-minute multiple-choice contests administered in your school by you or a designated teacher. The AMC 12 covers the high school mathematics curriculum, excluding calculus.

The AMC 10 covers subject matter normally associated with grades 9 and 10. To challenge students at all grade levels, and with varying mathematical skills, the problems range from fairly easy to extremely
difficult. Approximately 12 questions are common to both contests. Students may not use
calculators on the contests.

AMC 12 Eligibility – A student in a program leading to a high school diploma, and under 19.5 years of age on the day of the contest.

AMC 10 Eligibility – A student in a program leading to a high school diploma, under 17.5 years of age on the day of the contest, and not
enrolled in grades 11 or 12 or equivalent.

Home schools must indicate the site of the exam (not the student’s home) and the name of the proctor (not a parent) and attach this information to the registration form. Please call
the AMC office for details.


The Mathematical Association of America wants to increase interest in mathematics and to develop problem solving through a friendly,
and fun, competition. We believe that one way to meet this goal is to identify, recognize, and reward excellence in mathematics through a series of national contests.

Sample Questions

2008 AMC 10A

12. In a collection of red, blue, and green marbles,
there are 25% more red marbles than blue
marbles, and there are 60% more green marbles
than red marbles. Suppose that there are r red
marbles. What is the total number of marbles in
the collection?

(A) 2.85r
(B) 3r
(D) 3.85r
(E) 4.25r

2008 AMC 10A/12A

10A-4; 12A-3. Suppose that ⅔ of 10 bananas are
worth as much as 8 oranges. How many oranges
are worth as much as ½ of 5 bananas?
(A) 2
(B) 5/2
(C) 3
(D) 7/2
(E) 4

10A-13; 12A-10. Doug can paint a room in 5 hours.
Dave can paint the same room in 7 hours. Doug
and Dave paint the room together and take a
one-hour break for lunch. Let t be the total time,
in hours, required for them to complete the job
working together, including lunch. Which of the
following equations is satisfied by t ?

(A) (1/5+1/7) (t + 1) = 1
(B) (1/5+1/7) t + 1 = 1
(C) (1/5+1/7) t = 1
(D) (1/5+1/7) (t – 1) = 1
(E) (5 + 7)t = 1

2008 AMC 12A

14. What is the area of the region defined by the
inequality |3x – 18| + |2y + 7| ≤ 3 ?

(A) 3
(B) 7/2
(C) 4
(D) 9/2
(E) 5

18. Triangle ABC, with sides of length 5, 6, and 7,
has one vertex on the positive x-axis, one on
the positive y-axis, and one on the positive zaxis.
Let O be the origin. What is the volume of tetrahedron OABC?

(A) √ 85
(B) √ 90
(C) √ 95
(D) 10
(E) √105

"Ilmuwan sejati selalu membaca dan menulis. Tanpa membaca ia berada dalam kegelapan, tanpa menulis ia tidak mencerahkan umat yang berada dalam kegelapan."
~Prof. Dr. H. A. Chaedar A., M.A., Ph.D.~
Guru Besar UPI

"Jangan takut jadi miskin karena mempelajari sains. Sebab, urusan rizki itu urusan Allah SWT."
~Prof. Freddy Permana Zen, D.Sc. Guru besar fisika tingkat tinggi ITB~
Semoga Berhasil!

Arip Nuarahman

Guru dan Dosen Profesional